Sunday, July 20, 2008

Conjunctivitis Treatment

Conjunctivitis treatment depends on the type and severity of diagnosis. Since there are three types of conjunctivitis – allergic, viral and bacterial, the treatment procedure is essentially based on the factors that cause conjunctivitis condition. So it is important that the healthcare practitioner must diagnose the appropriate cause behind developing conjunctivitis in order to bring success of the treatment procedure employed.

Treatment for Allergic Conjunctivitis

The first and foremost important step that a healthcare practitioner takes for treating allergic conjunctivitis is to manage the allergic condition. The management of allergic condition by alleviating the allergic triggers can help in alleviating the symptoms of conjunctivitis. Generally doctors recommend multiple eye drops or ophthalmic ointments for treating allergic conjunctivitis. If the allergic reactions spread in more areas other than eyes, doctors typically recommend oral antihistamines.

Treatment for Bacterial Conjunctivitis

Bacterial conjunctivitis at its mild form does not require treatment and the condition gets resolved by one’s own immune power. However, at its severe extent, bacterial conjunctivitis may cause thick pus discharge coupled with inflammation in the eyes. At this stage, doctors usually suggest having ophthalmic antibiotic.

Treatment for Viral Conjunctivitis

If you are suffering from viral conjunctivitis, there are no specific treatment procedures available. At this case, doctors may try to educate you the procedure for reducing the symptoms associated with this condition. Additionally, doctors may also suggest you having ophthalmic steroids to alleviate swelling sensation. Moreover, doctors may also advice you to cleanse your eyes with the help of saline water from time to time.

